Apple will reportedly not be bringing new products to market this year

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Sadly, a new Forbes report on the subject of Apple innovation drops a big bomb on the chances of Apple regaining success this year, with new and innovative products.

This report is based on one thing alone, Apple’s ideology and ethics when making a great product. The company spares no thought to if it will be cheap enough and always looks for golden standard both on the inside and outside on their products.

For this reason alone, Apple will not bringing new innovation technologies to market this year, and the Forbes contributor, Haydn  Shaughnessy, brings up the problems with each rumoured technology.

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The iWatch has to be made with an OLED display with Red and Green phosphorous light emitters and consumes significantly less power, only found on the lastest version of OLED. Currently only one company could mass produce this to Apple need, Samsung.

With the ongoing move away from Samsung by Apple, this is unlikely to be the case. The iWatch will also have a flexible display, something both Samsung and Corning are only in development stages on and will not be able to mass produce.

Apple TV 

This has been rumoured for years, however, it seems to be coming closer. Apple just recently employed an ex-LG OLED technology executive and has been working to try and figure out how to bring heat reduction to 70%.

Apple will probably want to add 4K resolution and an OLED display to the Apple TV, both are not in huge supply and both are not selling very well, in fact, LG announced they had only sold 200 units in 2 months.

Another problem is Apple like to base their products on realistic if quite expensive prices. The Macintosh, MacBook Pro, iPhone and iPad are all pretty expensive but in the range of most average income families.

This means the Apple TV will have to be around $1,000 – 3,000, to make a significant impact, the current generation of 4K TVs are around $10,000 – 40,000 and we doubt Apple is ready to go $7,000 in the hole on every sale.

What This Means

Apple will continue to bring out the iPhone, iPad, Mac, MacBook’s and other products already in their store, but will not release any ground-breaking new products. That being said, they may release a cheaper iPhone and hybrid MacPad.

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