Samsung Galaxy S3: The Good and The Bad [opinion]

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Samsung Galaxy S3 was unveiled yesterday in London and whilst watching the event, it was interesting to see the public’s reaction via Twitter;  the reactions were mixed opinions with Apple fan boys observing what differences there were in comparison to the new Samsung flagship device.  As you know, I tend to have unbiased view about Technology in general and would never take side; I use Android, iPhone and Blackberry devices and I use them for various reasons, yes they all have their good and bad points but I still wouldn’t knock their hustle.

For many years, Samsung Mobile has never failed to surprise when it comes to innovation, although some may argue that they have always copied other manufacturers, but then is it a bad thing to see something good and develop on it? Apple did that at some point although they would never admit openly and Blackberry took multitasking to a whole different level when they released the Blackberry Playbook.

So what are my thoughts on the Samsung Galaxy S3?

When you look at the design, it sin’t the best of all design; the material could have been made with a better solid feel, and perhaps a unibody to stop messing around with the hardware however everything else has been designed to be very user friendly and “humaine”

The screen quality on paper is of good specifications and when you look at what they did with the Samsung Galaxy Note, no doubt the screen sharpness and colour is AAA.  The Galaxy S3 comes suped up with super AMOLED 4.8in screen, which is larger than its predecessor the S2, with an 8 megapixel rear camera and 1.9MP front camera.  Samsung took the HCI a step further and have implemented sensors in the device to allow the device to learn about it’s user, and that’s the beginning of a great piece of technology implementation.  Although it’s good to have that, but will the average users out there see that as important? sure the average tech and gadgets lover would see that as a cool feature and might not even know how it works but the regular users out there would rather them develop a longer battery life.  One thing I like about my Galaxy Note is the screen size and having a decent size on a smart phone has to be a must for me because what use a small screen when you want to design, blog, text, read attachments, view high quality images when you have a small screen.

The camera quality is good enough but when you think about having it on a 24 months plan with your network provider, you might want a product that will have a camera that would be able to compete 2 years down the line; and if the 12mp camera rumours on the iPhone 5 are true?

S-Voice technology is not new, and some even say it is a full rip off of the iPhone 4s Siri Assistant and watching the video below you will just what I mean:

Video of S Voice from Android Central:

Redmond Pie Siri Demo:


The idea behind it seems to have been a rip off, but what Samsung mobile did is take it to the next level by allowing it to be functional with more languages than the iPhone 4S Siri, again is it a crime to take a product and improve it? providing you had the legal permissions.

Addition of Google Android Beam reminds me of the bump app, but it’s a lot better because of the file size you can beam between two Galaxy S3s’.  Wireless Charging is also another plus for me because it just means less hassle and less chance of forgetting to charge my phone after a tired night out.

Without getting too technical, CNET will do that for you, I would like to think the Samsung Galaxy S3 will gain a lot of users and I can see it bringing out the flaws in the iPhone’s UI which seems a little dated now.  It will sell successfully like the Galaxy note, providing they do strategic advertising like they did the Galaxy Note.  It has a bit of everything for all types of users and it’s user friendliness is a massive plus for any user.   Hopefully i’ll get my hands on one when it’s out for an unbiased review and als props to Samsung for pulling off a great event, I wish other manufacturers would do the same.


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About Author

I love gadgets and technology, so i write about them. +Tomi Adebayo


  1. The wireless charging is a huge plus. I had the Palm Pre a few years ago and found that wireless charging is the one thing missing from most modern cell phones.

    Overall a beautiful product though! Great review!

    • Thanks Brian. We just have to wait and see it in person now and hope it lives up to the hype. I’m really looking forward to how it learns about the user that is just one piece of tech.

  2. I like some of the new technology & features this phone will have however for me I feel it’s too big for an everyday phone. However as we can see above it will be perfect for others like GadgetsBoy.

    I’m also not a fan of the design, in my opinion nothing currently beats the look & feel of the iPhone. Once again I understand that some people just want the newest tech in their phone & are not too bothered about how it looks. I personally like a bit of both. You can think of it like dating. I don’t want an intelligent girl that I can have good conversation with but I’m not really attracted to her. On the same point I don’t want a beautiful girl that I can’t converse with. I want a bit of both to keep me interested. It is possible to get a girl that has both but that is a rare thing in this world. So as there is currently no ‘perfect’ phone out there at the moment, for me the iPhone is still the phone for me & I look forward to the release of the new iPhone later this year.

    On a final point I do think it’s good to see that we have a viable option to the iPhone & it can only be good for us as consumers to have some healthy competition.

    • Good point about having options available now, soon iPhone will not have so much share of the market. iPhone will have to step up their game big time now to compete.

  3. I’m a little disapointed with the camera, i heard a few rumours about a 12mp camera and got my heart set on that for it not to happen. And i dont like the design, being a designer for 6 years they could have made this thing look so awesome but it seems they went backwards and made it a little dull? But the way you connect with the thing looks great, eye tracking stuff is mega cool. Not sure if its useful? but hey

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